The Waiter, the Electrician, and the Barber: A Lesson for Pharmacists

#pharmacy #pharmacist #functionalmedicine #functionalpharmacy #functionalpharmacist #functionalmedicinepharmacists #pccarx #ncpa #pdx #pharmacyowners #communitypharmacy #chainpharmacy #independentpharmacy Sep 24, 2024

Dear Fellow Pharmacist, 

I recently had a fascinating conversation with a waiter at a new restaurant in town. What struck me was not just his excellent service, but the unexpected ways he's built a robust "talent deck" to secure his future.

This wasn't your average waiter. As we chatted, I discovered he was also the electrician who had skillfully hung the restaurant's lights.

And when he complimented my hair, I learned he was a trained barber too! His only limitation seemed to be learning to say "no" to the constant demand for his varied skills – electrical work, haircuts, or waiting tables seven days a week.

In a world where economic shifts can be unpredictable, this waiter has essentially recession-proofed himself by diversifying his talents. It got me thinking: what if pharmacists like us could create a similar safeguard, and even open up new avenues for fulfillment and growth? 

Imagine the freedom of having additional revenue streams, like real estate, bartending, or functional medicine. These aren't as far-fetched as they sound. I've seen the excitement in my students as they gain new expertise and watch their practices transform when they share their latest certifications. 

If this intrigues you, I want to let you know about three programs to get you started in functional medicine: Before the Labs, Beyond the Labs, and Man UNMEDICATED (a men's functional medicine, brand building, and practice growth program).

Space is limited, with only a few spots remaining for Before the Labs and Beyond the Labs, and 5 for Man UNMEDICATED.

The waiter, electrician, and barber taught me that building a diverse "talent deck" brings freedom and security. I believe the same can be true for pharmacists willing to expand their skillset. I hope you'll consider this path and join me in the exciting world of functional medicine.

Before the Labs:
 Master the foundations of lifestyle and functional medicine, surrounded by a supportive community: CLICK HERE

Beyond the Labs: Take your learning to the next level with live trainings, open office hours, and personalized practice growth support. This is the ultimate path for committed learners. Don't miss out: CLICK HERE

MAN UNMEDICATED: The opportunity and need has never been greater. A complete program to meet your men's health community where they are, be that leader, that problem solver. This I believe will become my flagship product soon enough: CLICK HERE

My programs are intimate and in high demand. Prices rise regularly.

Don't let this opportunity slip away – the Functional Pharmacy Community is waiting for you. 

Warm Regards, Rob